What is Citizen Advocacy?
The mission of Citizen Advocacy of Chester County is to initiate and support a variety of intentional relationships that provide advocacy for opportunity, protection from harm, sponsorship into community life, friendship, and justice for isolated people living with a disability.
Citizen Advocacy is built upon a belief in the power and competence of the ordinary citizen to care for and connect to others and to make a lifelong commitment to stand by, stand for and stand with another person, through good times as well as challenging ones.
For over 40 years, guided by a set of principles, the purpose of Citizen Advocacy of Chester County has been to bring people who would not ordinarily meet into a relationship with one another. We ask them to spend time together and build trust so that protection, opportunity and action can grow. The impact? A person once isolated now has friends, community life, or even family. The stories are all as unique as the two people in them – and life changing for both.
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Advocates choose one or several of many ways to understand, respond to, and represent that person’s interests as if they were the advocate’s own, thus bringing their partner’s gifts and concerns into the circles of ordinary community life. Many of these commitments last a lifetime.
Get to Know Us
In 2019, funded by a gift from the Dr. Donald J. Rosato Charitable Foundation, Citizen Advocacy of Chester County arranged for the production of the following video. It explains what we do, why we do it and how you can help. Watch and listen to what we feel is a compelling story accompanied by an original piece for piano composed and performed by Brian Gibson.
At its close, the video suggested that you might wish to consider taking on the role of Citizen Advocate.
The role of Citizen Advocate is right for you if you:
- Believe that every person’s life has inherent value and worth.
- Hold sacred the right of all people to be treated with dignity and respect.
- Believe that people with disabilities have the same needs and interests as any other member of society.
- Understand that people with disabilities are often segregated, isolated, abused, neglected and disadvantaged.
- Think that all people need something meaningful to do with their lives.
- Are willing to make a long-term commitment to another person.
- Choose to stand by, for and with a person who might be especially vulnerable.
- Can imagine what is possible for another person, rather than focus on perceived limitations.
The success of our mission depends on you.
Become an advocate.
Volunteer to help at our events.
Make a tax-free donation.